
August 24, 2010

Bumpy Roads

Yesterday was a seven Oreo kind of day. There were also two chocolate chip cookies and a really large Diet Dr. Pepper in there somewhere. It was a Monday of the highest order.

When I finally made it home and onto my couch I was a crabby, crabby mess. The best part of it all was that I wasn't entirely sure what had made it such a despicable Monday. I guess sometimes life is overwhelming. Instead of listing all the reasons why I went to bed at 8:15pm last night (That's right. 8:15. What of it?), I'm going to share with you my current smile list. Things that make all the difference at the end of a very long day.
  1. Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
  2. Iced. Grande. Non-fat. Latte. @Starbucks with my best friend or a good book.
  3. Red wine on the porch. White wine at the table. Wine....anywhere, really.
  4. Holding hands.
  5. Away We Go (go watch it right now)
  6. Getting real letters in the mail.
  7. Fresh bread, still warm from the oven.
  8. Checking things off my to-do list. Sometimes I make a list and write down things I've already done just so I can check things off. I'm a dork.
  9. Reading a great book.
  10. New notebooks and freshly sharpened pencils.

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