
September 8, 2011


I may or may not be addicted to blogs. I love them. Every day I can't wait for the first half of my work day to speed by so I can grab a few minutes with my good pal - Google Reader. It's a sad day when lunchtime doesn't find me at my desk catching up with my good friends (whom I've never even met) like Mamma Pea, drooling over to-die-for recipes, and ogling new ideas for our home on Apartment Therapy.   Let's not even get started on ok?

I say goodbye to the blogging world and head back to the wonderful world of accounting (insert sarcastic comment here) inspired. I have to contain myself until the end of the day before I let myself loose at the grocery store with a new recipes or browse amazon for just the right crafting supplies to recreate the one perfect photo idea for our wedding. I love being inspired. I love it.

And, it always makes me want to blog more often. To write up something snappy or thoughtful or creative. But then I find myself at a bit of a loss. Am I a crafty blog? I'm not really that crafty in real life. I mean, I don't even own a glue gun. Am I a cooking blog? A baking blog? My future sister-in-law Natalie already has a pretty kickin' food blog so why reinvent the wheel? I'm more of a random girl.

What do you think? Does a blog need a focus? A specific theme or feel or genre? What should mine be?


  1. I think the focus is whatever you want it to be! That's what I do with mine at least :)

  2. I think your theme should be you, but I suppose I'm biased. :-)

    I enjoy several themed blogs, but the ones that really capture me are the ones that just portray the rich (and varied) nuances of a person who resonates with me in some way. Those blogs don't tend to have a hard and fast subject theme.

    Thank you for my real mail. It was such a lovely, encouraging addition to my day. Perfect. :-)

  3. I love the sporadic randomness of this one--seriously it makes me so happy every time a new post pops up in Google Reader!
